Quality & added value
Build, assemble & manage
Speed, flexibility & scalability
Turnkey solutions
Optimize, design & engineer
Local & far-east manufacturing

We don’t see the benefits of outsourcing.


Let’s review with you OUR model: Do you consider your facility state of the art? Do you consider your ERP/MRP state of the art? Does your product demand go up and down over the course of a year? To what extent? How do you address this situation? For a product of your level of sophistication, do you not find it a waste to have skilled human assets assembling screws, nuts etc…? How much inventory do you need to carry on your books of semi-finished and finished? What could you do with that working capital if it wasn’t sitting on a shelf? Of all of your management resources, how much is spent on production management and what could you do with those precious resources if the process was handled by a partner such as Artmetco? In a world where everyone gets to do what they know best, just think about how much you might achieve by redirecting precious, product knowledgeable resources.